
Choices: Why? When?

I’ve encountered a lot of misunderstandings about offering children choices recently. I’m hoping a rundown might help.  Today, focusing on why and when choices are a good idea. 1.  Why offer choices?  One of the most critical and valuable pieces of advice we can receive in today’s social media-saturated world is “Don’t Read The Comments.”  Choices: Why? When?

The Problem With Parenting Books

Oh, and parenting websites.  Those too. If you’ve dug around my blog at all, you’ve probably seen quite a few references to my philosophy of “Question Everything.”  And if you follow my work, you know that I run a number of parenting websites (via facebook, mostly).  And if you’ve followed me on Facebook, you probably The Problem With Parenting Books

Consequences & How We Misuse Them

As most of you who read this blog know, I’m a stickler for words and definitions.  One of the places in which this comes up most frequently is in regard to “consequences.”  It’s not that I like being annoying, it’s that I just can’t help myself from commenting on this.  Not to skirt responsibility or Consequences & How We Misuse Them

I’m All About The Kids

As a critical consumer, one of the things I want to know most about it bias…because it’s always there. When I read studies, I want to know who funded them.  I want to know the political or personal or religious beliefs of the authors. When I read an article or watch a news story on I’m All About The Kids

The Best In “Interactive Platforms”

Today, a story came out on National Public Radio about teaching children words via a new Sesame Workshop (the company that owns Sesame Street and associated products and media) app called “Big Bird’s Words,” the third piece in a 3-piece series on early literacy.   In this piece (available both in written and in audio The Best In “Interactive Platforms”

Right Conclusion. Wrong Questions.

This article in the Washington Post, has been popping up in my facebook newsfeed a lot these days, even though it was written about a month ago, which I am aware is equivalent to a geologic era in internet time.  Let me say, right up front, that I agree entirely with about 90% of it Right Conclusion. Wrong Questions.