
February Office Hours – RESCHEDULED flyer

February Office Hours – RESCHEDULED

After an unfortunate mishap — following a period of travel, I lost track of my calendar! — in which I missed February scheduled office hours, we’re back on! February office hours, for members of the Visible Child website community, will be held on Tuesday, February 18, at 1 pm and 8 pm U.S. Eastern time, February Office Hours – RESCHEDULED

Office Hours:  December, January, February flyer

Office Hours: December, January, February

New subscribers, long time subscribers, everyone – please join us for Visible Child Office Hours! Please put these dates and times on your calendar, and be sure to check announcements and your email for any updates/date changes!…

Office Hours – September, October, November 2024 flyer

Office Hours – September, October, November 2024

December News from Visible Child! flyer

December News from Visible Child!

Happy Holidays! May this season bring peace to our families, our communities, and our world. Here’s what’s going on with Visible Child! It’s almost 2024, and with the new year comes FOUR big announcements for subscribers here at Visible Child! Please be sure to read through this newsletter for all updates, so you don’t miss December News from Visible Child!

Reminder: Office Hours on Friday! flyer

Reminder: Office Hours on Friday!

November Office Hours Reminder A reminder to tune in on Friday for the November edition of Open Office Hours for Visible Child subscribers*! Bring your questions, or just come and listen and hang out with like-minded folks for awhile! Mark your calendars so you don’t forget! Remember, the timing changes each month in order to Reminder: Office Hours on Friday!

October Office Hours Reminder flyer

October Office Hours Reminder

A reminder to tune in one week from today for the October edition of Open Office Hours for Visible Child subscribers! Bring your questions, or just come and listen and hang out with like-minded folks for awhile!Mark your calendars so you don’t forget! Remember, the timing changes each month in order to accomodate different time October Office Hours Reminder

Reminder: Office Hours this Friday, 3 p.m. EDT! flyer

Reminder: Office Hours this Friday, 3 p.m. EDT!

A reminder to tune in tomorrow for the September edition of Open Office Hours for Visible Child subscribers! Bring your questions, or just come and listen and hang out with like-minded folks for awhile! You can find the link HERE. Reminder: This is a subscriber-only benefit that takes place approximately once a month. They have Reminder: Office Hours this Friday, 3 p.m. EDT!

Upcoming Office Hours Dates flyer

Upcoming Office Hours Dates

Mark your calendars and join us! Visible Child Office hours are a 90 minute open format session with Robin where members can come and ask questions, listen in, or just hang out with like-minded folks. Maybe you won’t come with a question, but one will emerge! Or maybe not–you’re still most welcome. For those who Upcoming Office Hours Dates

Reminder:  Office Hours tomorrow! flyer

Reminder: Office Hours tomorrow!

A reminder to tune in tomorrow for the August edition of Open Office Hours for Visible Child subscribers! Bring your questions, or just come and listen and hang out with like minded folks for awhile! You can find the link HERE. Reminder: This is a subscriber only benefit that takes place approximately once a month. Reminder: Office Hours tomorrow!

Interactive Webinar:  Problem Solving with Children flyer

Interactive Webinar: Problem Solving with Children

The first in a series of “Webinar Wednesdays”, we will meet on Wednesday, August 16 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., U.S. Eastern time. $25.00, FREE for Visible Child Subscribers REGISTER HERE Join us for a 90 minute zoom meeting on problem solving with children.  In this introductory meeting, we will cover the many ways Interactive Webinar: Problem Solving with Children

Reminder:  Office Hours tomorrow! flyer

Reminder: Office Hours tomorrow!

Remember to join us for Zoom Office Hours tomorrow, Friday, July 28, at noon EST. This is an informal meeting – people bring questions and we chat. Some people just come and listen in! We meet for 90 minutes, unless questions run out. Office hours are available to all active Visible Child subscribers. You can Reminder: Office Hours tomorrow!



Due to a minor emergency at Robin’s home, the office hours from Tuesday, July 11 at 7 p.m. Eastern (hopefully reaching our friends in Australia and New Zealand!) had to be rescheduled to the following evening. We are now meeting on Wednesday, July 12, at 7 p.m. EST.7 p.m. U.S. Eastern time. 4 p.m. U.S. RESCHEDULED OFFICE HOURS

To access this post, you must purchase Visible Child Flex Membership.

Upcoming Office Hours and More! flyer

Upcoming Office Hours and More!

Whew, the summer is a complicated time! My apologies for the delays in announcements! As a one-woman show, trying to get everything off the ground and keep myself organized is a big task–and with much summer travel on top of it, things fall behind. Don’t worry, I’m still here, and many good things are coming Upcoming Office Hours and More!

Toilet Learning Older Ages Webinar (Recording) flyer

Toilet Learning Older Ages Webinar (Recording)

Now available free for subscribers, with accompanying links and resources in the Resource Library!You can access it HERE…

“Office Hours” this Friday – NEW TIME flyer

“Office Hours” this Friday – NEW TIME

Join us for another session of Zoom “Office Hours” on Friday! Bring your questions and concerns, or just come to listen and hang out with likeminded parents. It’s a casual unstructured event, I’m just there to answer questions (as many as can be managed during the time we have together!). They’ve been great so far, “Office Hours” this Friday – NEW TIME

Reminder:  “Office Hours” this Friday! flyer

Reminder: “Office Hours” this Friday!

Join us for another session of Zoom “Office Hours” on Friday! Bring your questions and concerns, or just come to listen and hang out with likeminded parents. It’s a casual unstructured event, I’m just there to answer questions (as many as can be managed during the time we have together!) NOTE: Office hours are a Reminder: “Office Hours” this Friday!

Webinar Update: Toilet Learning in Older children flyer

Webinar Update: Toilet Learning in Older children

[The recording will be available via a link sent to all registered participants sometime early this coming week. If you did not register for this webinar, but would like to get access to the recording, stay tuned, there will be a way to do that shortly!] Many members of the Visible Child community embrace the Webinar Update: Toilet Learning in Older children

Webinar:  Talking about Toilet Training at Older Ages flyer

Webinar: Talking about Toilet Training at Older Ages

Many of us choose to embrace fully child-led toilet learning, which typically happens sometime between 3 & 4. What happens when, for one reason or another, it doesn’t take hold? Then what do we do? This webinar will address those questions in a presentation format, followed by a Q&A. Questions must be submitted via email Webinar: Talking about Toilet Training at Older Ages

Office Hours – Upcoming Dates flyer

Office Hours – Upcoming Dates

Important: Office Hours is a Subscriber benefit, available only for members of the website community.Join us for “Office Hours”, an informal, open-ended, zoom session for Visible Child website members to bring questions, concerns, or issues, or even just to listen and join with like-minded community. Response to prior meetings has been terrific–hope to you see Office Hours – Upcoming Dates

Open Office Hours this Friday flyer

Open Office Hours this Friday

Join us for another session of open “Office Hours” via zoom – bring your questions and join us for a casual zoom gathering. The last few have been lots of fun and helpful for a lot of people. This is a member-only feature. You can join the meeting HERE, or by going to the Main Open Office Hours this Friday

New Feature: Notifications Enabled! flyer

New Feature: Notifications Enabled!

In response to member request, we have set up the ability for members to get notifications via your browser, when you are on the website. When you log into the site or open the page, a pop-up should now appear that asks if you want to get notifications. If you open a new browser, you New Feature: Notifications Enabled!

To access this post, you must purchase Visible Child Flex Membership.

Office Hours this Friday flyer

Office Hours this Friday

Join us for a third session of open “Office Hours” via zoom – bring your questions and join us for a casual zoom gathering. The last two have been lots of fun and helpful for a lot of people. This is a member-only feature.You can join the meeting HERE

To access this post, you must purchase Visible Child Flex Membership.

Membership Renewal Glitch! flyer

Membership Renewal Glitch!

IMPORTANT: This only applies to about 25% of members. IF THIS IS YOU, YOU HAVE EITHER ALREADY BEEN SENT AN EMAIL WITH AN INVOICE THAT LETS YOU DO THIS DIRECTLY OR YOU WILL RECEIVE ONE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS. If you did not receive an email but are having trouble accessing the site, please Membership Renewal Glitch!

Join us for “Office Hours” this Friday! flyer

Join us for “Office Hours” this Friday!

Join us for the second live “Office Hours” session with Robin this Friday, at 3 p.m (U.S. Eastern Time Zone.) These will be a regular event, at least once a month, sometimes more often. Bring your questions, suggestions, stuck places, and energy and join us for an open conversation! We had a wonderful time at Join us for “Office Hours” this Friday!

Site Tour coming very soon! flyer

Site Tour coming very soon!

Thank you to all of you who have joined in the early adopter stage! I’m grateful for your support, and so excited for us all to “make ourselves a home” here. I appreciate your patience as I work feverishly behind the scenes to get more content up on the site–I do hope you will offer Site Tour coming very soon!